Sunday, 15 May 2022

 The Pitmaster

I would like to recommend a special restaurant I was at a few months ago:The Pitmaster

A little about the restaurant:

Pitmasster is an experience you will not forget. the host show every day at Pitmaster is different. So what is the Pitmaster?A Specialist that  uses a smokehouse, grill, or any facility that incorporates live fire for food preparation. Looking for a menu? there isn't one. The Pitmaster will prepare you a crazy meal consisting of several dishes, each of which will come out with an explanation of the way of preparation. The meal includes wine, beer, soda and free water all evening, and if you want to drink something special, you are welcome to bring from home, with no redemption fee :) The restaurant is kosher. It is advisable to arrive very hungry! Reservations for pre-arranged hours.

We enjoyed seven servings of meat. Among the dishes you will find: asado that falls from the bone, lamb spearfish, ontrib disassembled and more.

Each dish is a show.The meat expert takes the dishes out of the smokehouse and arranges them in front of the diners. If you are sitting far away  don’t worry -  there are screens where you can see the whole show. Sharing the diners volunteers come and help the expert.

The free drinks are nice, and if you want more theyare happy to keep bringigng more.

We left satisfied.


  1. Renana sound very tasty!
    In what city is this restaurant?
    I think I ill be happy to try this place

    1. Exactly! You can't tempt us with such a juicy description and not tell us where it is.

  2. That's sound interesting.... Where does the resturant located? Also, it probably requires flexibility with food and aimed for adverture seekers.
